Canal Zone Clubs
The collection includes many photographs of the variety of clubs in the Canal Zone. What clubs were you part of and what are your favorite memories from that time? What niche clubs do you remember that we may not have records of in the collection?
The photographs below have various amounts of metadata. Please read the captions to help us fill in the missing information!
Pedro Miguel Boat Club, undated.
Can you identify the people in this photograph?
Pacific Sail Fish Club, Balboa Yacht Club, 1939.
Can you identify anyone in this photograph? Click on the photograph to enlarge it.
Do you know what the Jungle Crews were? Do you recognize the women in this photograph?
Diablo Camera Club, late 1940s – early 1950s.
The man in the top row, extreme right is Eugene K. Derr; the woman in the top row, third from extreme left is Lema P. Derr. The woman in the front row extreme left is Miss Kay Clark, the then Balboa High School Librarian. Can you identify anyone else in the photograph?
Scott Boykin
We were at Fort Gulick in 1973-74, and I remember “Mongolian Beef Night” and “Bingo Night” at the Officer’s Club. These things may not sound appealing to kids, but I remember I really enjoyed them. Looking back, our lives there were pretty simple, but I really loved it there.
David A. Hilliard
Christmas Party Pacific Sailfish Club 1939. In the Center bottom row is a man sitting with a bow tie and a white hat. Two directly above him in a dark suit is Lefty Hilliard
John E Schmidt Jr
In the Sailfish Club photo in Dec 39…..I see my Father John Sr and this was the first time I had ever seen this photo. I recall when our family would come to the Club for dinner and how special it was to all of us. In 39, I was just 8
Aprill; 2021