Object of the Day

At The Balboa School Sports

Recently, we discovered this image and a similar series  in the Panama Canal Museum Collection. The front provides us with some information, but we are looking to discover more about this photograph.02-38-57(1_0001 02-38-57(1_0002IMG_0001 Were images like these ones commonly printed as postcards? Have you sent a photograph printed on a postcard before?

If you have any information or stories about postcards or these images, please share your knowledge with us in the comments section!



  • bkarrer2013

    the printer of these cards is Warrant Officer Fisher who was honcho of the Army Band of the 33rd Infantry regiment at Ft Clayton in the 1930’s That number with the caption is a dead giveaway for Fisher. That is of course the old wooden annex, and behind it the concrete BHS we all knew either as students or residents of the Pacific Side of the CZ. I have never seen these particular images before and they are nice ones indeed. Almost all of Fisher’s cards depict military scenes such as maneuvers out in Pnama and such. These images almost certainly date from mid to late 1930s. These type cards are known in the collector world as “real photos” You have hundreds of them in the collection so that type question is a bit inane??? They can often be identified as to age by the reverse of the card especially in the “stamp box.” These are reinforced, and they do not come this way. Bob Karrer


    From: The Panama Canal Museum Collection at UF [mailto:comment-reply@wordpress.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 1:43 PM To: bkarrer@comcast.net Subject: [New post] At The Balboa School Sports

    ufpcmcollection posted: “Recently, we discovered this image and a similar series in the Panama Canal Museum Collection. The front provides us with some information, but we are looking to discover more about this photograph. Were images like these ones commonly printed as postca”

    • Elizabeth -BETH- Lockridge Huls

      The Mr. Lockridge in the photo is my father, G.C.-Buck- Lockridfge, He went on to become the first Director of Physical Education and Recreation for both sides of the Canal Zone and remained in that position until his retirement in the early 1960’s.

  • Bill Fall

    The old wooden annex was the junior high school where I went to school and until we were moved to Diablo Jr High School for half of a year in the early 60s. I believe Joe DiMaggio broke a window in that building in 1946 when the NY Yankees played a ball game in the stadium. Bob K is the authority on post cards.

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