
Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! These photos document the 1908 and 1910 Labor Day excursions of a family living at the Panama Canal during construction. Unfortunately, we don’t know their names but are grateful to the donor who made sure these treasures found a good home here with us.

The caption on the back of the photo above reads, “Starting for Old Panama Labor Day 1908 Government Break”. Gift of Barbara L. Daniels. II.2022.80.4.

Take a cue from this family’s celebration and enjoy any trips or relaxing moments you can today. (However, I don’t recommend wool skirts on the beach and ties might not be necessary)

Panama Bay, Old Panama, Labor Day 1908. Gift of Barbara L. Daniels. II.2022.80.4.
Labor Day, 1910. Gift of Barbara L. Daniels. II.2022.80.4
Gathering Oysters, Old Panama, Panama Bay, Labor Day, 1908. Gift of Barbara L. Daniels. II.2022.80.4.
Old Panama, Labor Day, 1908. Gift of Barbara L. Daniels. II.2022.80.4.

Do you recognize anyone in the photos? Some captions include references to Mr. W and Mrs. W so that could be a hint to solving the mystery of who this construction era family is.



  • Eric Joe Williams

    I was on an expedition through the Darien jungle in 1969 from Panama to Colombia. The environment fir these early settlers must have been similar.

  • Elizabeth Mathews

    Eric Joe Williams, can you tell us more about your expedition? My parents always told us it was impenetrable, and I’ve been fascinated by some (sad) documentaries of migrants walking through, South to North, through the Darien jungle. Would love to hear about your expedition.

  • Robert A Dryja

    The first picture may have been made at Far Fan beach. This is based on the what the coast line looks in the background. Going in the direction of the Panama Canal, a point of land extended out from the coast. I had explored this area when I was a young boy in the 1950’s.


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