Object of the Day,  Stories from The Zone

“Walking on Water” in the Panama Canal

Another day, another interesting item found in the Panama Canal Museum Collection!

We came across these photos, as well as newspaper clippings, which revealed to us the story of Walter Robinson “walking on water.”

Specialist Robinson spent his spare time working on his invention which allowed him to “walk” across the Bay of Panama. These “water shoes” were the first of their kind in that they were stable enough for the wearer to propel themselves across rough waters and to navigate around obstacles. Robinson patented the invention, which was made of plastic foam and fiberglass, and tested it at the Clayton Teen Club. From these tests, he determined that one could fish, fire a rifle, and throw a football, among other things, while wearing these water shoes. Robinson hoped the invention would be used for a variety of purposes, by fishermen, lifeguards, and even military personnel.

Robinson, along with his fellow “water-walking enthusiast,” Craig Cobb, would be seen walking the Amador causeway near the entrance to the Panama Canal. Once, Robinson successfully walked from the Fort Amador causeway to Taboga Island in an 8-mile, 4 ½ hour journey in 1974. Robinson always intended to walk the Panama Canal but was initially denied due to safety reasons. He was finally granted permission after negotiations, and he walked the length of the canal, staying outside the main ship channel, the Gaillard Cut and the locks.

Our records show that he also “walked” the Hillsborough River in Tampa, Florida in 1974, and according to accounts online, Robinson achieved his aspiration of walking the length of the English Channel in 1978. Robinson pursued these opportunities to “walk on water” not only for his own enjoyment, but in order to publicize his invention, attract merchandisers, and “stimulate the public.” While Robinson did not see commercial success for his product, he did achieve a fair share of glory and even earned a Guinness World Record.

Robinson wrote a novel about the invention and his adventures, called The Water Shoe: A Serious Work. You can order it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Water-Shoe-Walter-L-Robinson/dp/0741424614.

Did you ever see Robinson walking in these water shoes? Can you think of any other inventions unique to the Panama Canal Zone?


  • John E Schmidt Jr

    I too walked on water – on the Pedro Miguel River in the Canal Zone.
    Much too, long ago to pin down the year but I was living in Pedro Miguel so I can narrow that down some and will say lit was probably in 40 or 41. I was just 10, Several of my friends and I were in our kayaks which we had made ourselves. Not sure how we found the design of the structure, but I can still see the craft sitting upon on wooden box as I was applying another coat of gray paint….. and the more paint, the better the canvas would be waterproofed. Anyway, we were in the lower part of the river, close to the lake. The river wasn’t more than 15-20 wide as we paddled up towards the “rapids”. my kayak and the other were side by side……..I began to take on water, and my fear of the crocks that shared our lake and surely were watching us kids invading their space is all I could think about

    With a huge shove and gyration of my skinny body, I was able to exit the kayak and “walk across the river and made dry land without entering the water. I actually walked across the water. I am sure it was nothing more than jumping those few feet………but my friends swore that I actually did “walk those few feet” and did not enter the river.

    Unlike Mr. Robinson, I , did not invent a device for walking on water……but I can still visualize the day in Pedro Miguel that I did in fact walk on the Pedro Miguel River.

  • Robert Dryja

    My nearest effort to walking on water involved a large sheet of balsa wood. My friends I would push it across the mud flats of the swamp adjacent to Amador Road, (now lost to the construction of the Bridge of The Americas). Our goal was to stand on it, planning to float out into the bay of Panama and across the Pacific Ocean. However the tide was receding faster than we could push the balsa sheet into deep water. We ended up covered with mud. My mother sprayed me down with a garden water hose before she would let me in our home when I returned home. The idea for floating on a balsa sheet came from the book, “Kon-Tiki” in which a balsa log raft was used to float across the Pacific.

  • Erwin Roman

    Between 1973 and 1975 my friends and I knew Walter from his time directing the Ft. Clayton Canal Zone Teen Club. Our regular weekend hangout. We would walk or hitchhike to Ft. Clayton, stop by the cafeteria for pinball then go to the club and hang out in Walter’s office. The water shoes were under development and we saw the foam and fiberglass pair he was testing and listened to his ideas on how to improve them. It was a great time and the memories of Walter, his patience with us and our hanging in his office with him, talking and listening to albums haven’t faded in 50 years. Walter, if you’re still with us, God bless you and thank you!

    • Lawrence Robinson

      Hello Erwin Roman. Walter is my brother and like all of us, he has gotton older. He lives in an assisted living facility in Orlando. His wife lives in their home nearby. He survived Covid-19 and is doing as well as expected under the conditions. My other brothers and my sister, his wife and son visit regularly, but only one person at a time. I will tell him that you asked about him.

    • Kenneth O'Brien

      I also am deeply saddened by the passing of Robinson. I am the guy that made several of his early water shoes. St the time I made a living building surfboards from about 1969 on and he sought me out to build his “shoes”. While I can’t say we were close, we did have a great relationship. I attribute the fact that our relationship did not become closer to the fact that I was off at the beaches where there was surf, whereas he wanted to be perfecting the performance of his shoes at more sheltered waters.
      “Robinson” was kind, patient and a man that never quit. I always felt that with his perseverance he would succeed financially with his invention. R.I.P. Kiki

  • Erwin Roman

    I am deeply saddened by the new of Walter’s passing. He was a positive influence to many of us in our youth at a time we needed that.After 50 years, I still think of “Robinson” and tell stories. One that many may not be aware of, is the time we used Tide laundry detergent during a Teen Club carwash. A blue station wagon pulled up and as we washed, the suds and sponges turned more and more blue! The car looked like a blue tiger as it dried so we kept spraying it with water until the owner drove away! He did come back and fortunately was very nice about it.

  • Erwin Roman

    I am deeply saddened by the new of Walter’s passing. He was a positive influence to many of us in our youth at a time we needed that. After 50 years, I still think of “Robinson” and tell stories of friendship and yes, some misadventures. One that many may not be aware of, is the Teen Car wash where Tide laundry detergent was used. After a few newer cars came through, a G.I. in an old blue station wagon pulled up and as we washed, the suds and sponges turned more and more blue! The car ended up striped as a blue tiger as it dried, so we kept spraying it with water until the owner drove away! He did come back and fortunately was very nice about it, but we did close down and retreat to the club. My condolences to the Robinson family, I pray for the repose of Walter’s soul and will never forget him.

  • John Moore

    Sorry to see this… seeing these pictures of him drinking a Coca-Cola in Panama Bay that way meant that he enjoyed his life!

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